PRO EMU OIL (2oz) AEA Certified
Price 10.95 - 24.95 USD
Progressive Emu Oil is triple refined emu oil making this oil the highest possible grade of oil on the market. Progressive Emu Oil is pure emu oil that has been tested by an AOCS (American Oil Chemist Society) certified chemist and has been certified to meet the stringent specifications for the Emu Oil Fully Refined Trade Rules To be AEA ( American Emu Association) certified. Progressive Emu Oil is an all natural, non toxic, non-comedogenic (does not clog the pores), hypoallergenic oil that is gentle for all types of skin.Emu Oil is comprised of essential fatty acids (EFA"s), with Omega 3 and 6 being the most prominent. This unique composition allows Emu Oil to penetrate the skin making it an excellent moisturizer with anti-inflammatory properties as well. Emu Oil has also demonstrated amazing results on severe skin conditions such as wind burn, sun burn and skin that has lost some of it"s elasticity. The cosmetic industry and the medical community have begun to recognize the benefits of Emu Oil in recent years, so why not try some for your self today. note: product contains .00022% Vitamin E as a stabilizer to increase shelf life. Progressive Emu is the largest producer of emu oil is the country, quite possibly the world. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest possible quality of emu oil at the most competitive price available.