Adopt Without Debt: Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption

Price 14.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780983539827

In 2000, Julie and her husband, Mark, declared war on their debt credit cards, student loans, cars and the house. Seven years later, as they wrote the check for their last mortgage payment, God called them to adopt two children from Ethiopia. A few months later, with their income unexpectedly cut by two-thirds, they wondered if they could finish the adoption without crossing back over into the red. When they brought Wendemagegn and Beza home 12 months later, Julie and her husband proved debt-free adoption is possible! Passionate about helping others achieve their adoption dream, Julie shares how to find extra money in your household budget, apply for grants, and fundraise in order to build your family without saddling it with debt. With over $80,000 worth of creative fundraising ideas from more than 30 adoptive families, the second edition of Adopt Without Debt shows you how to fulfill your adoption dream without signing away your financial freedom.