Professional DCOM Application Development

Price 49.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781861001313

To address the audience of the bestseller Professional DCOM Programming, Wrox Press has responded to the enterprise developer"s demands for a book covering real-world development of leading edge applications using DCOM and NT. The book is Professional DCOM Application Development. Distributed Applications must not only be based on robust COM component programming, but also need to be aware of the network addressing system, security, transactions between objects, and the network architecture they work on. To that end Professional DCOM Application Development is firmly rooted in practical examples. All of these are self-contained within each chapter as the technology covered is indeed wide-ranging and includes COM/DCOM tool support - fast code generation using Visual C++ (with ATL) and Visual Basic. The book also covers major up-and-coming Microsoft technologies - COM/DCOM, MTS, MSMQ and Universal Data Access, Building your own MTS resource manager and dispenser, using LDAP and NT 5"s Active Directory, Creating an MMC snap-in for DCOM network management, using monikers to bind clients to a single server instance, making applications cluster aware and DCOM security and the promise of Kerberos.