The MindBody Audio Program
Price 28.32 - 39.00 USD
The MindBody Audio Program is a set of three CD"s comprising a complete educational program for mindbody treatment of back pain, Tension Myositis Syndrome, and other disorders. CD One is a recording of a one hour seminar entitled "The Mind: The Missing Link in the Back and Neck Pain Puzzle". This seminar has been attended by hundreds of individuals at Dr. Schechter"s Beverly Hills office. CD Two is entitled "TMS: Diagnosis and Treatment". This CD will teach you about how a diagnosis of TMS is made and what a treatment program consists of. CD Three is entitled "The Psychology of Tension Myositis Syndrome". It"s a dialogue between Dr. Schechter and Donald Dubin, MFCC, a psycho-therapist who has treated hundreds of individuals with a diagnosis of TMS since 1996. In total, the educational program, on CD"s, will teach you about this remarkable mindbody approach to back pain, and other disorders. This set of three CDs has been recently digitally re-mastered and is also available on audio cassettes.