Glasgow, Clydeside and Stirling (Exploring Scotland\"s Heritage)

Price 18.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780114952914

This series provides an introduction to the archaeological heritage of Scotland. Each book tells the human story of one part of Scotland, tracing human impressions on the landscape from World War II relics back to the earliest pioneer days of settlement. The details are filled in by a gazetteer of preserved monuments and each edition also features a full-colour excursions section with easy to follow trips. The area stretching either side of the Forth and Clyde valleys, was a frontier zone from Roman times into the Middle Ages - illustrated by the Antonine Wall and a host of Norman motes and Medieval castles. The island of Arran offers some memorable monuments and the industrial legacy of Central Scotland is evident too in the Forth and Clyde canal as well as the enlightened centrepiece of New Lanark.