Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Plates

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783456302751

Since the 1920s our firm group has been the publisher of the well known [registered] Rorschach ink blot test, and the related book "Psychodiagnostics". Even today each reprinting of the plates themselves requires great attention, and is done on what can now only be regarded as ancient equipment, which is carefully maintained exclusively for this purpose so as to maintain a virtually identical reproduction of the originals. Even the weather has to be taken into account, and if it is too humid, or too dry, the printing process has to be rescheduled. The test itself, as well as the book, are too well known to require any detailed commentary here, and indeed some experts estimate that in the entire field of psychology no other single creation has been the subject of a greater number of scientific papers. It is also likely that no other psychological test has been administered to more millions of people throughout the world.