Wind Energy Systems: Control Engineering Design
Price 99.70 - 104.95 USD
This book describes the design and field experimentation of real-world multi-megawatt wind turbines and their control systems. It introduces the main topics of modern wind turbine design and control, including (1) the description of classical and advanced turbines, (2) dynamic modeling, (3) control objectives and strategies, (4) standards and certification, (5) controller design, and (6) a large number of applications like onshore and offshore wind turbines, floating wind turbines, airborne wind energy systems, advanced manufacturing and real experimentation. The book also presents the main concepts of the QFT robust control engineering technique in such a manner that students and practicing engineers can readily grasp the fundamentals and appreciate its transparency in bridging the gap between theory and the real world. It addresses state-of-the-art of QFT methods to design control systems for multi-input multi-output applications, distributed parameter systems, and a hybrid methodology to design non-linear robust control systems able to go beyond the classical linear limitations. The book includes one of the most advanced interactive object-oriented CAD tool for QFT controller design with MATLAB, developed with the European Space Agency. (See also the website