Do I Know You?: A Family\"s Journey Through Aging and Alzheimer\"s
Price 13.46 - 14.95 USD
Do I Know You? is the account of one woman"s slide into advanced senility. Mary Solomon moved to Florida after her husband died, and much to the surprise of her to grown daughters, created a new life for herself in a seaside condominium. Ten happy years followed, then slowly the decline began - stale cracker in an empty refrigerator, once immaculate floors turned sticky, unpaid bills, forgetfulness. Bette Moskowitz has created an unforgettable portrait of an ordinary woman at the end of her life. She asks questions many readers will eventually have to confront. How can one grow old with dignity? How can one become a parent to one"s parent? Moskowitz probes the heart of our culture - one that refuses to comprehend the aging process.