Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes - The Original Classic Edition
Price 19.95 - 25.39 USD
This is a high quality book of the original classic edition. It was previously published by other bona fide publishers, and is now, finally, back in print.This is a freshly published edition of this culturally important work, which is now, at last, again available to you.Enjoy this classic work. These few paragraphs distill the contents and gives you a short overview and insight of this work and the authors style:Stir the sugar and the two-thirds a cup of cold water over the fire until the sugar is dissolved and the syrup is boiling, then add the gelatine and let cook twenty minutes; add the cinnamon, the chocolate, melted over hot water, and beat all together, then add the vanilla and the fruit; let stand in a cool place for a time, then when it thickens a little turn into an unbuttered bread pan and set aside until the next day.. . . Stir the sugar and cream, over a rather slack fire, until the sugar is melted, when the sugar boils wash down the sides of the pan as in making fondant, set in the thermometer and cook over a quick fire, without stirring, to the soft ball degree, 236° F.; add the butter, salt and chocolate, melted or shaved fine, and let boil up vigorously, then remove to a cake cooler (or two spoon handles to allow a circulation of air below the pan).