Beginning SSRS Joes 2 Pros

Price 19.70 - 19.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781939666215

Information is everywhere. But imagine the CIO of a company who has spent millions implementing databases and applications, yet doesn"t know how to view that data in a way to make good decisions that make the company more profitable. That is where you come in. As a database professional you will be asked to provide answers to questions from the CIO and others in the company from that data. If your company is using SQL Server to host some of the company"s data, chances are you will use SQL Server Reporting Services to create professional looking reports to hand to the CIO. This book is meant to be a fantastic value that gets you started with SSRS. You will learn with many hands-on exercises that build on skills from chapter to chapter. Each chapter has a "Points to Ponder" section that summarizes the content, and you will also find a short review quiz at the end.