Do Not Disturb Whimscial Line: Fortune Fizzies Take-out Box, 3-Count Box

Price 14.00 - 16.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 692276373249

Manufacture Do Not Disturb, Inc.

Manufacture Country USA

Words of Wisdom are contained in each “fortune cookie-shaped” fizzie. Drop one of these moisturizing bath fizzies into your tub and see what your fortune reveals! Each fizzies has a laminated note that releases to the top of the water, when the fizzie fizzes out! Sayings like: “You’re the Bomb”, “Who’s better then you?...nobody!”, Who’s prettier than you?…nobody!” and Inspirational messages from well known stars and authors, like Phyllis Diller: “Housekeeping won’t kill you, but why take the risk”, Margaret Thatcher: “If you want anything said, ask a man, if you want anything done, ask a woman!...and many more! Carton contains 3 fortune cookie fizzies. Fortune Cookie Take Out Box. Chinese take out box with decortive band and ribbon filled with 3 fortune cookie bath fizzies. When fizzie, fizzes out a laminated note floats to the top of the water revealing a fortune or inspirational note.