Risk Management in Dentistry

Price 47.50 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780723610113

Risk Management is something most people only worry about when it is too late - at which time it becomes Damage Limitation! Prior planning and the installation of correct systems will give the practising dentist peace of mind, secure in the knowledge that he has done everything he can to protect himself, his staff and his patients from unnecessary risks and possible claims of negligence. The implementation of an efficient Risk Management strategy should be a priority as it is a practical, relevant and useful tool that can be applied to all aspects of dental practice. Risk Management has elements in common with many other aspects of the practice of dentistry: with practice management, with ethics and jurisprudence, and with quality assurance. But in drawing on those subjects it brings with it a co-ordinated approach and understanding which encourages and enhances high standards of professional care. Whilst covering areas such as Workplace and Environmental risks, Medicolegal risks and Risk in Clinical Dental Practice, "Risk Management in Dentistry" concentrates, in particular, on the development of a personal Risk Management strategy which will assist dentists in maintaining a constantly updated awareness of the factors that may adversely affect the success of their professional practice. An essential purchase for all professionals. "I have no hesitation in recommending this book to undergraduates, all clinicians and managers within the dental environment." - British Journal of