Postpartum Depression At A Glance Poster

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780984503971

This is the French translation of the Postpartum Depression At A Glance. Approximately 1 in 5 mothers will become depressed during the postpartum period. This can lead to serious consequences for both mother and baby. Postpartum Depression at a Glance offers an overview of depression in new mothers on a two-sided laminated sheet. Side 1 includes the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale-Three Item version, an effective and very brief screening tool for depression that is more effective than the full 10-item scale; symptoms found in depression; and Red-flag symptoms that require immediate medical care. On Side 2, there is a listing of questions pertaining to mothers" sleep. These are important because sleep disturbances are highly predictive of later depression and addressing sleep issues can be helpful in preventing or treating depression. There is a summary of treatments for depression including Omega-3 fatty acids, exercise, St. John"s wort, and antidepressants. Finally, there is a listing of reasons for supporting breastfeeding in depressed mothers who want to continue. This tool will give you the information you need to identify depression in the mothers you work with.