Matrimonial Property and Finance
The new edition of a comprehensive two-volume work on marriage, the home and money. Volume one looks at the law and practice. The author firstly considers the rights and obligations of couples in the context of subsisting marriages, he then examines the principles on which the court acts in distributing the assets following a breakdown of the marriage and types of court orders available. Volume 2 comprises all the relevant source material backing-up volume 1. In particular: practice directions; circulars: Inland Revenue press releases; statutes; SIs; precedents and financial information on tax, benefits, pensions, inflation, house prices etc. This edition includes new, expanded sections on pensions and life assurance, substantial assets and other special cases with reference to Gojkovic (1990), Newton (1990) and Schuller (1990). Volume 2 includes updated financial statistics, tax guides, mathematical formulae, capitalization tables, precedents and the text of relevant statutes, SIs and practice directions. There is a run-down of the tax aspects of maintence and property transfers and notes of the latest cases in the Law Reports, Weekly Law Reports, Family Law Reports, Family Law and The Times. There is also treatment of the property rights of married and unmarried couples, both between themselves and vis-a-vis creditors with attention to Lloyd"s Bank V Egremont (1990), Austin-Fell 91990), In re Citro (Bankrupt) (1990), Abbey National Building Society V Cann (1991) and Lloyd"s Bank V Rosset (1991).