Frolik and Kaplan\"s Elder Law in a Nutshell, (Nutshell Series)
Price 35.00 USD
Elder Law in a Nutshell, 4th ed. updates the previous edition to reflect the fast pace of legal change in this area of the law. Special attention is paid to major changes in Medicare, including the new Part D prescription drug program, means-testing of premiums, Medigap policies, and appeals procedures, as well as the 2006 amendments to Medicaid eligibility requirements that pertain to asset transfers, home equity limitations, and long-term care insurance incentives. The latest edition introduces the reader to the rapidly growing legal specialty of elder law. Addressing the myriad of legal issues encountered by the elderly, the book is a succinct overview of this complex intersection of law and social policy, including such areas as health care decision-making, pensions, Social Security, reverse mortgages, nursing homes, guardianship, long-term care, age discrimination in employment, and veterans benefits. The book is designed to assist anyone who has regular contract with older persons, including lawyers, law students, social workers, health care personnel, retirement planners and gerontologists or anyone who wishes a better insight into the world of elder law.