The Complete Idiot\"s Guide to Stepparenting
Price 18.95 USD
You’re no idiot, of course. You know how to push a toddler on a swing, the recipe for the best gooey chocolate chip cookies, and even how to get teens to confide in you. Your own kids think you’re hip, too (although they’d never admit to it). But when it comes to figuring out how not to come across as the wicked stepparent, you feel like you need a magical potion. Don’t reach for the garlic yet! The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Stepparenting gives you sanity-saving advice for dealing with the stepfamily, getting to know your stepchildren, and feeling confident in your role. In this Complete Idiot’s Guide® you get: --Tips for dealing with the dreaded “first meeting.” --The top 10 complaints of stepmoms and stepdads—and how to deal with them. --Disciplining do’s and don’ts. --Practical suggestions for dealing with the Ex. --Expert advice on making time for romance!