Neuroscience At A Glance
Price 24.95 USD
This text covers the entire neuroscience requirement of the pre-clinical medicine course in a logical series of double-page spreads. It recognizes the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience, and the need to integrate students" knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology. Examples of the physiological systems of the central nervous system and its diseases are viewed from the molecular through to the behavioural level. The text is logically divided into seven sections, starting with a general introduction entitled "Cellular Neurosciences" which covers the structure and function of the CNS at the microscopic level. The following sections cover cutaneous and visceral sensation, motor control and co-ordination of movement, the brainstem and special senses. Higher functions (memory, mood and cognition), and injury and ageing (dementias) are dealt with in the final sections.