Real Stories of Big Cat Rescues: Tales from the Exotic Feline Rescue Center (Quarry Books)
Price 19.95 USD
Tucked away in the woods near Center Point, Indiana, the Exotic Feline Rescue Center currently houses about 200 rescued big cats. Lions, tigers, leopards, pumas, and bobcats, as well as more obscure breeds such as caracal, serval, ocelot, and lynx, have found refuge at this lush 108-acre sanctuary. In photographer Stephen D. McCloud"s spirited follow-up to Saving the Big Cats: The Exotic Feline Rescue Center, more than 100 color photographs of the resident big cats, old and new, are showcased with loving detail. McCloud has spent countless hours getting to know the cats--their likes, dislikes, quirks, and backgrounds. The affection and admiration he holds for each cat is reflected in these stunning portraits. Each cat"s story is compellingly recounted by author Melanie Bowlin with the help of Audra Masternak, who blogged about her unforgettable experience as a keeper.