Price 39.99 USD
Based on the Disney animated movie of the same name, Dinosaur takes place during a prehistoric cataclysm and follows orphaned dinosaur Aladar and his five friends as they make their way through 27 levels of action and puzzle solving. To help them escape volcano fires, rescue stranded babies, and battle carnivorous enemies, you"ll need them to all work together and use their various strengths. Aladar, for example, can push things with his bulk, Emma the styracosaur is best at knocking down boulders, Url"s spinning attack can save the herd from velicoraptors, and Pilo the lemur can leap across chasms. Through teamwork, members of this dinosaur family help each other surmount the obstacles to make it to their new home. Best of all, with the separately sold Game Boy printer you can print pictures of your favorite dinosaurs in the herd.