A-Z of Staffordshire Dogs
Price 49.50 USD
Staffordshire dogs usually took pride of place on mantelpieces in 19th century homes where they could be admired. In this lavishly illustrated work, with colour throughout, the author"s aim has been to record as many different breeds as possible, thereby dispelling the myth that Staffordshire dogs were based solely on the spaniel. The book lists over 200 dog models and includes thirty-four breeds which have been grouped conveniently in alphabetical order. The discerning collector is provided with an insight into the quality of modelling and painting as the colour photographs have been restricted to the finest pieces to be found, even if that means including on occasions a good single example rather than an inferior pair. While some characteristics of certain dog breeds have changed over the past hundred years, thanks to the potter"s skill most are still instantly recognisable.