Life And Letters Of William Barton Rogers. Vol. I

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781408616734

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LIFE AND LETTERS OF WILLIAM BARTON ROGERS - IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME I - 1896 - THESE volumes have been prepared in the hope that Mr. Rogerss life, work and character as revealed in his letters, may be of some service to the cause of. science and education, and especially to the officers, graduates and students of the Massachusetts Institute of Te hnolo gy to , whom this Memoir is dedicated. Certain subjects, such as those dealing with educational and scientific matters or with the early history of the Institute, have accordingly been treated in more detail than wonld otherwise have seemed desirable. No life of Mr. Rogers would be in any degree ade quate which did not include much of the lives of his three brothers who, with similar tastes, and pursuits almost identical with his own, occupied so large a share of his thought and affection. The materials at command have been voluminous, and we have had difficulty in making the necessary selections. Many of the letters given have been taken not from those actually sent, but from a first draft which was kept as a copy. Our aim has been to add to the letters only so much of editorial comment as should serve to make a connected history. The geological letters, as well as those on other scientific subjects, are given as showing the direction of Mr. Rogerss researches rather than the more correct conclusions to which these may have led. We are indebted to many friends for permission to use letters to others for aid in solving doubts and removing difficulties and, for the careful preservation of documents, to Professor S. W. Holman, who has long had in contemplation the preparation of a history of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - CONTENTS - CHAPTER I. Wiiam Barton Rogers. - His Brothere. - His Father Patrick Kern Rogers. - The Rogers Family in Ireland - Emigration of Patrick Kern Rogers to America - His Life in Philadelphia. - His Marriage. - Removal to Baltimore. - Appointment to the Professorship of Natural Philosophy and Chemietry in William and Mary College. - His Death in 1828. . . . . 1 YOUTH AND EABLY MANHOOD. The Family Life in Baltimore. - Education of the Brothers and their Graduation from William and Mary. - Their Early Correspondence. - Williams Yonthfnl Oration. - He assists his Father at the College. - Removal of the Brothers to Balti more. - William and Henry open a School. - Their Lectures before the Maryland Institute. - Correspondence with their Father. - An Address by P. K. Rogers. - First Railroads in America,. - Reminiscences of the Father by a Student of Wil-1iamandMary . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . CHAPTER IIIa PBOFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHEMIBTBY AT WIL LXAM AND MARY COIZEGE. W i succeeds his Father. - His Introductory Address. - Correspondence of the Brothers. - Life in Williamsbnrg. - Henry appointed Professor of Chemistry and Natural Philowphy in Dickinson College. - James Professor of Chemistry in a Baltimore Medical College. - His Marriage. - Henry leaves Dichon College. - With Robert, is engaged on Railroad Sur CON TENTS. veys in New England. - The Cholera. - William visits North Carolina - Narrowly escapes Drowning. - Henry visits England. - His Impressions of English Men of Science. - He returns to Philadelphia and lectures on Geology at the Frank lin Institute. - Geological and Chemical Investigations of the Brothers. - Henry appointed Professor in the University of Pennsylvania - Proposals for Geological Surveys. - Appointment of William to a Professorship in the University . . . . . . . . ...