The Princess And the Snarls

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780824955366

Every mom, dad, and grandmom who has ever combed a little girl"s long hair will love this book! Princess Roseanna"s beautiful auburn hair, no matter how much it is brushed, becomes snarled every day. The queen brushes it. The king tries to brush the hair. Two ladies-in-waiting brush her hair, but each morning, Princess Rosanna"s hair is hopelessly snarled. It takes the kingdom"s wizard to find the reason for the snarls. The book features a paper doll (attached to the binding with a ribbon) and clothes that can be punched out and attached to the doll. A punch-out tiara is for the little reader to wear. Punch-outs can be stored in an "armoire" on the inside back cover.