The Liberty Ships from A (A.B. Hammond) to Z (Zona Gale)

Price 148.50 - 165.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781889901251

The result of over five years of exhaustive research into government records, published works, professional contacts, libraries and the internet, this encyclopedia contains everything known about Liberty ships -- every single one of the 2,710 ship built during World War II: who each was named for, where built, when launched, when delivered, type of ship, engine manufacturer, ship operator, wartime history, postwar service, every name they were subsequently known under, what ultimately happened to them -- all cross-referenced and indexed so readers can find any ship they"re looking for. This is truly "the last word" on Liberty ships, and the most complete, including diagrams, specifications, special chapters on the last two Liberty ships still active, and over 400 photos, on high quality stock. It is a reader-friendly book, avoiding codes and setting forth the information in clear language.