Discovering Eden: A Lifetime of Paddling the Arctic Rivers

Price 27.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781552632215

West of Hudson Bay in Canada’s Arctic, an enormous triangle of tundra, twice the size of Alberta or Texas, sweeps north to the polar sea and forms the largest single wilderness left on the continent. Although the word "tundra" may conjure up an image of a desolate, treeless plain, the mainland portion of the Canadian Arctic is far from featurless and vibrant with life. The area is home to millions of geese and other birds, and is the haunt of some of the world’s last, great, migratory herds of large herbivores and the predators that follow them. It is also an area where great pristine rivers cut through ranges of rugged hills strewn with boulders and serpentine, sandy eskers course over the landscape. Discovering Eden explores this unspoiled, perfect, natural world, revealing a place that still exists far beyond the modern world’s concrete jungles and polluted air. The book explores the lure of the Barren Lands and why it is , for the author, a personal Eden. The book is also filled with adventures- a personal, inner one for the author, and the thrill of canoeing this untouched wilderness for those who travel with him.