Prolog from the Beginning
Price 40.75 USD
This book aims to teach PROLOG to computer literate students with no prior experience, to a level where they can attach major applications projects using PROLOG. The approach throughout is tutorial, explaining most details in a step-by-step fashion with the aid of many figures. This book differs from other PROLOG texts in that it teaches the language as a means towards the user"s end rather than looking at the language as an end in itself. An engineering approach is taken to show the reader how to use PROLOG as a tool to engineer solutions to problems, notably in the latter part of the book as a means towards building Expert Systems. Features Include: extensive use of figures based on a graphical language to explain the PROLOG search process including backtracking; the step-by-step approach of a patient tutor makes the text suitable for self study; extensive coverage of PROLOG as a means towards building Expert Systems.