Aviation And the Law, 4th ed

Price 89.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781890938086

About the book-- The title, Aviation and the Law, is an intentional reflection upon the nature of law, for aviation law is but an integral part of all law. Therefore, this book starts from the beginning, to develop for the reader a basic understanding of the law, of its philosophy, and of its structure and due process, before addressing "aviation and the law" per se. The book is assembled in six major sections, the first of which gives definition to law, touches upon notions of justice, fairness, the underlying theories of law, and upon morality. Section Two addresses criminal law as related to air transportation. Of primary concern are the issues of airport and airline security, air piracy, and other acts of criminal violence. Section Three, is an overview of civil (or tort) law in the field of aviation, focusing upon pertinent issues in their respective specialized areas, and supported by applicable case law. Section Four looks at airports and the role of government. Section Five deals with manufacturers" liability, the transfer of liability through insurance, and liability for accidents, including an overview of the government"s responsibility to investigate aircraft accidents and to promote aviation safety. The final section is an introduction to international aviation law, including its historical development, the Warsaw System, bilateral governmental agreements, international competition, and exemplary court cases in this area. As with previous editions, the purpose of this book is to provide sudents of aviation with a basic understanding of law, of the legal system, and of how the principles of law may be applied to the many aspects of air commerce and air transportation. Added to this latest edition are updates on the federal aviation security provisions since September 11, 2001, expansion in the area of international air law, as well as court cases of note decided since the last edition.