WHAT\"S MINE IS MINE, WHAT\"S YOURS IS MINE: The USFSPA~An Illegal Law~A Crime Against Veterans

Price 9.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780984595723

The Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act is a law which divides the retainer pay of military retirees with former spouses for life, without regard to fault, merit or need. If you are affected by this law you need to understand how it was passed in direct contradiction of a U. S. Supreme Court ruling, and learn what you can do to fight for its modification and/or repeal. If you are married and contemplating a military career, or in the military and thinking about getting married, you had better read this book before its too late! Includes the full text of the Law and the McCarty v. McCarty decision. INCLUDES: Divorce in General: Not the Same as a General Getting Divorced The Problem: The Pendulum Has Swung Too Far The McCarty Decision: The Men in Black got this one right... Stealth and Deception: Taking the "Supreme" Out of the Supreme Court The Rule of Property: You Can"t Take It With You...Can You? The Retirement Myth: We"re Not Done With You Just Yet! The UCMJ: How About a Uniform Code of Spousal Justice? Taking the Oath: Or, Saying "I Do" Basic Training Is No Honeymoon: Parris Island is Not Fantasy Island Equal Contribution I: In the Field vs. In the Mall Equal Contribution II: Deployments, And Those We Leave Behind Equal Contribution III: Three Hots and a Cot Equal Contribution IV: WIAs and KIAs in the Commissary Formulas for Disaster: One of These States is Not Like the Other The IRS: Emasculating the 550 Pound Gorilla The 20 Year Obligation: For Some... Windfall Profits: A Reward For Time Not Served! Retroactivity: You Retired When? Statute of Limitations: "Oh, by the way..." Remarriage: A Cottage Industry DFAS: Divorced Fools Are Screwed SBP: The Ex-Spouse Benefit Plan? The Thrift Savings Plan: A Different Story The Gender Issue: Good For the Goose, Good For the Gander? Garnishment: It"s Not For Everyone Military Retention: Why Stay For Half a Loaf? The Military Divorce Rate: Stand By Your Man (Or Not) Who"s On First?: Let"s Make a Federal (or State) Issue Out of It Forced Retirement: Well, You Could Retire Now! The Other Benefits: Medical, Commissary and the Exchange Dividing Disability Pay: After All, You"ve Got Two Legs! Without Fault, Merit, or Need: USFSPA Horror Stories The Rumsfeld Town Hall Meeting: Say It Ain"t So, Don! Keeping the Troops Informed: Shhhhhh!!! Reform Legislation: A Political Hot Potato EX-POSE and Doris Mozley: The Professional Former Spouses The ARA: Fighting the Good Fight The Law: U.S.C. 10 1408 et seq The Decision: McCarty v. McCarty, 453 U.S. 210 (1981)