The Tree of Time: A Story of a Special Sequoia

Price 7.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780939666737

This colorful volume is a wonderful introduction to the story of the giant sequoia, the world’s largest tree. Tracing the life of one special sequoia that lived for over 2,000 years, it shows the stages of development of the tree in relation to important events in world history. When the Tree of Time is only a seedling, Hannibal and his elephants are crossing the Alps. While the sequoia grows, humankind progresses from wooden-wheeled chariots and rock paintings to space ships on the moon and computers. Children will be captivated by the parade of events illustrated here, and there’s an informative time-line of world history that runs throughout the book. The reader is left with a real appreciation for the remarkable age of the Tree of Time and giant sequoias generally.