Better Brain Better Life: Tips and Tales from the Tantalizing World of Brain Science

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780988017801

Not everyone is a brain surgeon, rocket scientist or Ph.D, but everyone can read Tips and Tales from the Tantalizing World of Brain Science. Brain science is fascinating and much of it is useful. That"s where the focus on this book lies. Here are just a few of the Tips revealed in the book: the ultimate iPhone app for improved cognitive performance; why you should sleep in a hammock; a spice from India that quickly benefits stroke patients; the best exercise to keep seniors cognitively young; a computer game that raises self-esteem; a simple way to grow grey matter in your brain; three ways for students to excel, and a workout that improves memory. The Tales include: who is the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ of brain plasticity? How did magic tricks help a man nearly destroyed by drug addiction and brain injury? And what actually helped the molecular biologist who couldn’t figure out whether it was more important to pay her bills or do her nails! The book also reveals some fascinating research on the science-proven benefits of mindfulness meditation – one sure way to a better (and bigger) brain! Reviewers find Better Brain Better Life: Tips and Tale from the Tantalizing World of Brain Science…‘illuminating’, ‘practical’, ‘motivating’. “This book will expand your cortex – guaranteed!” Peter H. Dohan, MD, Diplomate American Board of Pathology “Better Brain, Better Life implies the realistic possibility of a dramatically better world for everyone, and relatively soon.” Shinzen Young, Author: NATURAL PAIN RELIEF and THE SCIENCE OF ENLIGHTENMENT “Using refreshingly lucid prose, Kamen filters a complex network of knowledge in brief to-the-point chapters that can be picked up and meaningfully savored in our all too-brief leisure time.” Dr. Susan Cheshire Brown, Co-Founder, NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback Systems. "Paddy Kamen has done a wonderful job of integrating and highlighting a great deal of information about brain wave training and she presents it in an easy-to-assimilate manner." Les Fehmi, Ph.D., co-author: THE OPEN-FOCUS BRAIN and DISSOLVING PAIN "Paddy Kamen understands that the brain is the most plastic organ in the body. In her book, she meticulously explores the world of innovative and alternative brain interventions that are designed to heal, maximize intelligence and enhance the capacity to learn. This book delivers a message of hope and happiness to everyone." Donalee Markus, Ph.D., Founder, Designs for Strong Minds Author of RETRAIN YOUR BUSINESS BRAIN "This exciting book about improving one’s brain is understandable, practical, motivating. If you weren’t reading the scientific literature, this is what you missed. If you were, you were taking notes. Don’t bother looking for them. The information is captured here on pages that will grab you at the beginning and hold your attention right to the end." Claudia L. Osborn, DO, FACOI, Author: OVER MY HEAD: A DOCTOR’S STORY OF HEAD INJURY FROM THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT