Great Fishing Tackle Catalogs of the Golden Age

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781558210592

Osgood"s Folding Canvas Boat, African Steel Vine rods, the Prevost Patent Combination Frog Hook (with illustrations to demonstrate the jigging action of a hapless frog), Sportsmen"s Tumblers and Drinking Cups, William Mills" offering of Wood"s Improved Lollacapop, the Greatest Known Antidote for Mosquitoes, and the Smoker"s Head Protector--from the venerable Fitch Company--a mosquito netting made of knitted horsehair with a self-closing valve into which a pipe may be inserted. And don"t forget Imported English Deer Fat for dressing enameled silk lines. Here are the predecessors of contemporary gear as well as some of the tried-and-true equipment still in use today, such as the Orvis perforated reel, invented for its light weight and for drying silk fly lines on the reel. And the prices are unbelievably low! Anglers of all varieties will find this book unique, absorbing, and hilarious.