Wilderness Spirituality: Finding Your Way in an Unsettled World

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781862047372

Wilderness as a metaphor for life has a long and honored tradition. It was seen most clearly in the journey of the Israelites from Egypt into Canaan. The Israelites, under the guidance of Moses, wandered for forty years in the wilderness. But God provided certain markers, which sustained and guided them. As we stand on the eve of the 21st century, thousands of years removed from the Israelite’s wanderings in the wilderness, in some ways we are not much different than they. We confront our own hostile desert tribes, symbolized by such things as rising crime, the escalation of violence, pollution of our environment, economic recession, disintegration of our most cherished institutions and international mistrust. In the midst of these problems we are looking for the same thing: a safe landing where our children and we can be free and content. We are, in essence, trying to get home to our own "Promised Land." Wilderness Spirituality shows how belief and faith can transform the wilderness of life from areas of confusion and fear into places of emancipation and hope. There are as many kinds of wilderness on this earth as there are cultures and beliefs. Our culture has a strong effect on what we do with the various wildernesses we encounter, but in the end it is our belief, springing from our own spirituality, that brings about transformation. Wilderness Spirituality deals with the various wildernesses we experience, from nature to death. Wilderness Spirituality offers universal markers by which the spiritual explorer can chart his or her own course through the wilderness of life. Each marker is also accompanied by "Beatitudes of the Wilderness" to remind us of the blessings that sustain us throughout our journey. Wilderness Spirituality offers concrete direction for readers to find their spiritual way through the wilderness of life. Each section raises questions of the reader, offers spiritual exercises and suggests ways to apply the spiritual markers to everyday life.