Compcontrol: The Secrets of Reducing Worker\"s Compensation Costs (PSI Successful Business Library)
Price 19.95 USD
Many of the rules which determine premiums are understood only by employees in the audit and underwriting departments of insurance companies. The result is a built-in bias in the system which favors higher premiums. CompControl was written by an industry insider -- a consultant who has saved clients more than $4 million in overcharges. His book reveals how the system really works and how you can make it work for you. The author provides easy-to-understand explanations of these key items: * The classification system (and the common misuse of codes) * Experience modification factors * Payroll audits * Rating bureaus * Loss-sensitive plans Simplify your workers" compensation process with 12 proven new strategies for controlling spiraling premiums. Included are 24 graphs and timetables to help you evaluate costs, and 20 case studies which illustrate ways you can locate and correct overpayment errors.