Headache and Facial Pain: Diagnosis and Management
Price 102.50 USD
This volume is a complete, authoritative reference on the clinical management of headache and facial pain. The book presents a uniquely multidisciplinary approach, with contributions from leading neurologists, otolaryngologists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, internists, and dentists. Coverage encompasses the full range of acute and chronic disorders including migraine, muscle contraction headaches, organic and metabolic headache, cluster headaches, ear pain, sinus pain, neuralgias, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint pain, ocular and periocular pain, oral pain, mucosal pain disorders of the head and neck, and headache and facial pain resulting from head injury. The contributors review the epidemiology and symptomatology of each disorder, describe the diagnostic workup, and offer treatment recommendations. Separate chapters address neurosurgical considerations in headache, review the neural mechanisms of oral and facial pain, and discuss the psychological aspects of chronic facial pain.