Winning Tennis - The Smarter Player\"s Guide: How to Read Your Opponent and Win More Games No Matter What Level of Skill

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781845434700


Imagine improving you win rate without improving you stroke play - taking the skills you"ve already learned but using them much more effectively. This tennis book is unique. It doesn"t tell you how to hit a ball, but it will make you a winner. Winning Tennis teaches you how to read your opponent - to know what he"s about to do before he does it. Covering all major aspects of play, you"ll learn to anticipate which shot you"re about to receive and be ready to launch a winning return. Organised into sections covering the five key game situations - service, returning serve, baseline play, approach and play at the net and facing an opponent at the net - the book also covers common game styles and their most effective counter strategies. If you"ve advanced your skills as far as you can, this is the book you need to win you more games.