Travels into the inland parts of Africa; containing a description of the several nations for the space of six hundred miles up the river Gambia

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781231286944

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1738 Excerpt: ...I thought it adviseable to take this Opportunity of going down to the Fort, where I arrived on the 3d of December. D, On the 9th in the Evening came up the Dolphin Ifecem er, gCQQner) Messieurs Norry and Ross, from London, but last from Holland; where they left the Company"s Snow Success just ready to sail for this Place, with a good Cargo. With this Scooner, came over one Mr William Cleveland, Brother-in-Law to our second Chief Merchant Mr Charles Orfour, with a full Defign to get a, Fortune by trading here against the Company, having for that purpose hrought over a pretty good Cargo of Goods amounting to 400/. Sterling, intending to settle and live in Mr Orfour"s House at Gillyfre£. However, our Governor Mr Hull, being strongly rivetted to the Company"s Interest, would not suffer his Colleague"s Brother to settle and trade against the Company; upon which Mr Cleveland disposed of his Goqds to the Company, for which they paid him in Slaves, after which he went down the Coast with the said Scooner. On the 12th arrived the Company"s Snow Success, Captain Robert Wright, with a very good Cargo of. Goods, and Mr Thomas Hilton a Writer. Author Cm the 26th after I put on hoard the Fame Slqpp, tetums to Jbti, Brown Master, (who was then going a Trad J.oer." ing ng-Voyage up the River, with Mr James Conner 1735. Super-Cargo and Factor) a small sortable Cargo for Jear, and in the Afternoon we left James Fort, I having Mr Thomas Hilton as my Asfistant. On the 1 ft of January, whilst we were lying a-January. longfide of Elephants Island for the Tide of Flood to, make, Mr Conner and I went ashore to a Town called Neamato, where I received Advice that Boomey Human Seaca was up in Arms against the King of" Barsally; and that being advanced within half a Day"s Jo...