ACE Inhibitors (Milestones in Drug Therapy)

Price 209.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9783764359829

The therapeutic use of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors is subject of this monograph, written by international experts in the field. Elegantly introduced by a historical perspective by Sir John Vane, Nobel Laureate, the book covers major topics ranging from the molecular basis of the ACE inhibitors to their application in several diseases of paramount importance such as hypertension, renal failure, diabetes and heart failure. Additional contributions address the multitude of peripheral factors which may modulate the efficacy and/or activity of the ACE inhibitors. >From a description of the genetic basis of ACE to epidemiological considerations on these potent molecules, this treatise should be of great benefit to clinical and non-clinical scientists, residents, the pharmacological industry and the decision-makers in health policy, providing the reader with a comprehensive review of the field of ACE inhibitors.