Mastering Online Genealogy (Quillen\"s Essentials of Genealogy)
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A great introduction to using the Internet to trace your ancestors! Quillen"s Essentials of Genealogy series examines one topic per book so you can really go in-depth in the search for your ancestors. Mastering Online Genealogy covers the use of computers and the Internet to successfully do your own genealogical research. The book includes information on: genealogy databases—what they are, where they are, and how to use them; free genealogy websites: who they are, strengths and weaknesses; subscription services: who they are, what they cost; pitfalls to watch out for, pratfalls to avoid the value of message boards, blogs, etc.; and what kind of computer and software to buy. The author also includes genealogy software reviews and a glossary of terms. Quillen"s books have been praised by Family Chronicle magazine, Genealogy Today, BellaOnline, and many others.