More Than a Game
Price 24.95 USD
More than a Game is the odyssey of Jackson"s journey—from New York Knick and world champion, to CBA coach, to six-time Chicago Bulls world champion, to this year"s L.A. Lakers world champion—and the lessons in leadership he learned each step of the way. It is the tale of Rosen"s journey as well, carrying the torch for the game of basketball through careers as star college player, CBA coach, and preeminent novelist of the game. It is also the story of the system jackson coaches, the powertriangle, as put forth by Lakers assistant coach Tex Winter. The triangle can be understood as a philosophy of basketball and life—one that values role players almost as much as star players, and where fundamentals rule. More Than a Game is also a story of the friendship between Jackson and Rosen, forged in the sacred brotherhood of the hoop.