Enchanting Myanmar (Enchanting Asia)

Price 15.05 - 17.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781906780784

____Myanmar is a fascinating and intriguing country, full of contrasts. Its people are warm, friendly and welcoming; it"s rich in archaeological sites and has areas of stunning natural beauty. Yangon, the gateway for most travellers, houses the awe-inspiring Shwedagon Paya, a gleaming gold zedi, and offers good examples of colonial-era architecture in a warren of historic streets. From here, you can visit Mandalay and the nearby fabulous temples of Bagan or take a trip on an old river steamer down the Ayeyarwaddy River. For the adventurous, there"s trekking around Kalaw and for the less energetic, Ngapali Beach is a great place to relax. Enchanting Myanmar paints a portrait of this rapidly-changing country with informative text and brand-new images taken specifically for the book to introduce you to what will be a truly unforgettable visit.