Chef\"n Juicester: Citrus Juicer & Reamer JUC 380 CI
Price 14.95 USD
Juicing up the world of citrus! Chef"n has made your favorite juices easier to drink. With specially contoured small and large reamers conform to the inner shape of the citrus. Sharp top edges quickly dig into fruit while lower rounded edges gently juice with minimal effort. The Juicester has incremental measurements in cups, ounces, millimeters, table spoons and teaspoons. The dual strainer system screens pulp and seed when you juice and when you pour!! Chef"n began twenty years ago based on the principle that kitchen products could be a lot smarter, easier and more fun. Right from day one, Chef"n found an audience hungry for its brand of Tasteful Ingenuity. Today that legacy lives on with the precision refinements to acclaimed inventions, new technologies, design techniques, and entirely new products for 2006.