Essential Laboratory Mathematics: Concepts & Applications for the Chemical & Clinical Laboratory...
Price 30.91 - 34.95 USD
This hands-on manual, with pedagogical features that draw the learner into the content, offers clear and complete coverage of the mathematical topics most often used in today s clinical and medical laboratories. Furthermore, it provides a solid foundation for subsequent courses in the laboratory sciences. The first two chapters present a review of basic mathematical concepts. The remainder of the book provides students with a realistic means to build on previously learned concepts both mathematical and scientific to refine their mathematical skills, and to gauge their mastery of those skills. Outstanding features: (1) each chapter opens with an outline, objectives, and key terms; (2) key terms, highlighted within the text, are listed and defined in the glossary; (3) margin problems and practice problem sets provide the chance to gain immediate proficiency; (4) laboratory exercises and review problems allow students to apply what they ve learned and assess their understanding and progress; (5) a special calculator icon signals explanations of calculator use for a particular mathematical function; (6) study hints Keys to Success offer practical suggestions and guidance for maximizing achievement; and (7) the workbook design enables users to solve problems and take notes directly on the pages.