Time Out Budapest (Time Out Guides)
Price 17.75 - 19.95 USD
Budapest is no longer just the tatty gem of old, the Danube pearl hiding behind Vienna, cherished by a few curious, discerning travelers. Now an EU capital, it features five-star hotels, modernized spa centers, cuisine haute and street, and classy cafés. These aspects and much more are detailed in Time Out Budapest. This guide explains Hungarian cuisine, features more than 100 restaurant reviews, and gives authoritative advice on finding the best local fare and avoiding the worst. The city’s nonstop nightlife, from designer bars to seedy dives to open-air parties, is profiled, along with its relaxing bath culture. A new culture chapter, photographs, sidebars, and chapter introductions, along with rechecked listing details and updated maps, make this the essential companion for a trip to this increasingly popular destination.