The Old Ones Are the Best: Over 500 of the Funniest Jokes, One-liners and Puns
Price 12.51 - 16.95 USD
The essential joke-teller"s bible, collecting the wisecracks that have made us laugh aloud for decadesA man bumps into a friend as he comes out of the dentist"s. "Oh," says the man, "I"ve just had all my teeth taken out. Never again!"A termite walks into a pub. And the termite asks, "Is the bar tender here?"A man walks into a psychiatrist"s wearing a pair of see-through cellophane underpants. "Well," says the psychiatrist, "I can clearly see you"re nuts."This superb collection of 500 of the best jokes, one-liners, top 10s, and puns is filled with nothing but classic rib-ticklers and great gags on all sorts of subjects, all of which have stood the test of time. There"s even a section on what makes those in other countries laugh—even the Germans!