One-Of-A-Kind Mallie

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780613300766

Mallie is so tired of being an identical twin, she could scream! To everyone in Cedarville, she"s just the second half of Hallie and Mallie, the adorable pair. Mother sews them matching dresses, and now their teacher has even assigned them the same poem to recite together at the school picnic. It may look as if the twins are the same child twice, but inside, Mallie feels as different as the Gypsies who have set up camp nearby. If only her family and her best friend Ruthie understood. Mallie"s summer will be filled with more than its share of struggle and disappointment. But with the help of a surprising new friend and the joy of a secret hobby, it just may also bring its share of discovery and wonder. It just may be one-of-a-kind.