EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780854047659

The Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Oxidants and Oxidation in the Earth"s Atmosphere provides a general and extremely revealing overview of recent research in atmospheric chemistry. Written by world experts, it covers many of the issues of highest priority in a subject of increasing environmental, social and political importance. This book also contains a section entitled "The Early History of Ozone" - a record of what is thought to have been the first ever international symposium on this contemporary "hot topic". It includes discussions involving Schonbein, Faraday, Berzelius and Liebig, and thereby provides a fascinating insight into historic scientific thought, on a subject that has particular poignancy today. The Chemistry of the Atmosphere: Oxidants and Oxidation in the Earth"s Atmosphere will provide a useful source of background information for researchers in academic and industrial settings. The subject has implications for a wide range of disciplines, and in promoting awareness of the environmental and chemical issues involved, this book has a crucial role to play.