Iazykovaia Kartina Mira i Sistemnaia Leksikografiia (Studia philologica)

This collective monograph includes theoretical studies made in the course of compiling Novyi Ob"iasnitel"nyi Slovar" Sinonimov Russkogo Iazyka (2000, 2004) (New explanatory dictionary of Russian synonyms). Contents: Fundamentals of systematic lexicography (Iu. Apersian); Concept of purpose and semantics of purpose words of Russian (I. Levontina); Naive-linguistic ideas about politeness and lexics used to express it (T. Krylova); Concepts of honor and humility (A. Sannikov); Human intellectual abilities and activities in the mirror of adjectives (O. Boguslavskaia); Linguistic model of understanding (B. Iomdin); Conceding in language (V. Apresian); Semantics of size (E. Urynson); Forming semantic structure of the word "prostoi" in Russian (E. Babaeva). Bibliography. Subject index. Also available: Novyi Ob"iasnitel"nyi Slovar" Sinonimov Russkogo Iazyka (1st issue -2000, 2nd issue - 2004).