Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia

Price 61.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 857823001079, 857823001123

Brand NIS America

Manufacture NIS America, Inc.

Manufacture Country USA

Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia mixes several different gameplay styles - from role-playing exploration to turn-based battles. The game takes you to the world of Sol Shell, a small world where a single floating tower sits between two seas -- clouds above, plasma below. The key to this world is the magic of song; unlock it to discover incredible new adventures in a strange and beautiful landscape. The story centers on Laina Barselt, an eighteen-year-old whose father governs Platina, a town located in the top floors of the tower. Laina is uninterested in politics, and instead seeks adventure in the army. The game has multiple heroines of a species known as Ravateel, who use magic to sing songs about the world. However, these performances cause pain for the performer, so they only perform for loved ones.