City Chickens and Their Coops 2013 Wall Calendar

The joy of chicken keeping is sweeping through cities across the nation. Why let the country folk have all the fun? These days all sorts of city dwellers are raising chickens: animal lovers prize them as pets, locavores and Slow Food enthusiasts dig the fresh eggs, and environmentalists see chickens as part of a sustainable lifestyle. Even kids are getting in on the fun! The benefits of this trend are egg-straordinary, and having garden-fresh eggs - blue- or buff-shelled with deep-yellow yolks, tender whites and rich flavor - is just one of them. With colorful photography by Susan Seubert, the whimsical City Chickens and their Coops wall calendar features twelve months of feathered friends and their distinctive digs. From contemporary to classical, these mini manors feature recycled and repurposed building materials and sustainable innovations such as green roofs. These beaked buddies and clever, quirky coops will keep your feathers fluffed all year long.