Dancing Through Life: Lessons Learned on and off the Dance Floor

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780312370862

Because the dance floor stands apart from the everyday world, allowing dancing partners to play, experiment and take on new roles, it also serves as a stage for human relationships. Antoinette Benevento, a former national ballroom dancing champion and co-owner of Fred Astaire Dance Studios, has been a student of that stage for 25 years. Using dance as a metaphor, Antoinette Benevento shows us that lessons learned on the dance floor can inspire us in our relationships, and in our lives: -Loving well, like living well, comes only after lots of practice -Couples need time apart from the world to practice being a couple -In a strong partnership, each person is capable of standing on his or her own two feet -From time to time, all couples will find themselves out of synch