Gramsci"s Politics

Price 17.79 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780816616480

CONTENTS: The Years in Turin: Revolution as Creation * The Ordine Nuovo The Struggle for a New Type of Party: Organization as a Political Problem * Gramsci"s New Emphasis on the Party * The Need to Forge a Revolutionary Party Adequate to Its Task * The Organization of the Party * The Relationship Between the Party & the Class Gramsci"s Concept of the Party & Politics in the Prison Notebooks: The State as Hegemony Fortified by Coercion * Historical Bloc * Lessons of Italian Bourgeois Revolution * Conquest of Hegemony by a Subaltern Class * Organizers * Organizers of Hegemony: the Intellectuals * Intellectuals and the Political Party *Modern Prince * Democratic Centralism vs. Bureaucratic Centralism * party as a Vanguard: the Relationship with the Masses * The Analysis of he Conjuncture & the Argument against Economism * The War of Position: The Development of a Concept * Passive Revolution: A Strategy for the Bouregoisie in the War of Position * The Party as the Decisive Element * Conclusion